The next MK-38 can be used in three different ways. First, the machine gun function (180 rounds per minute) can destroy the enemies within the range of 2000 yards. The second method is the laser function; the canon can fire of “different levels of laser energy???”. I don’t know, what does it means exactly, but I’m sure, I don’t want to stand at the front of the cannon during the test phase of the weapons. J Today, officially we can burn small objects (with 10 kilowatts maximum energy) or mosquitoes with laser…maybe there are some secret developments in the background like the Death Star Superlaser in StarWars. The third function of the new MK-38 means the combination of the first and the second techniques: the laser can identify and lock on a target for the machinegun. I think this third “combination method” of the weapon should be as a basic attribute in the first function. My question is: Why would I use only the machinegun function? I have an integrated laser as well, which could help during the target selection….I don’t understand. To summarize: I think, this “new” invention tries to upgrade the previous machinegun technologies and unfortunately, we should wait again for the real laser cannon news.
source: wired.com