Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Workshop II - An introduction to open source GIS: GRASS - CAA

"Grass is the leader open source GIS nowadays. It manage both raster and vector information, 2D and 3D models, and can be used on different operating systems and platforms. features more than 350 functions, including image processing, raster analysis, import and export, and vector and network analysis.

GIS are frequently used for archaeologist as a documentation tool, and also to analyse archaeological data. For this purpose it is necessary to have a powerful GIS system with a complete set of analysis tools.

Open source software is a wonderful choice for this purpose. As anyone can improve the system and add new functionality, open source systems are more dynamic.

One of the main characteristic of Grass GIS is that it can be operated, besides the usual graphical user interface, from the operating system shell. This provides it with a powerful scripting capability.

This workshop aims to introduce in a concise way the main functionality of Grass and its usage paradigms. Special attention will be devoted to the scripting capability. Basic GIS knowledge is required."


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