Univ.Prof. Wolfgang Wagner
Univ.Prof. Norbert Pfeifer
Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Spatial Data from Laser Scanning and Remote Sensing
Vienna University of Technology
Date: November 12 - 13, 2009
Venue: Vienna University of Technology-Gusshausstrasse 27-29-1040 Wien-Austria

Airborne laser scanning is a technology which has developed rapidly in the last few years. It has set new standards, especially for the generation of digital terrain models (DTM). A great advantage of laser scanning is the ability to “see” through gaps in the vegetation foliage. The DTM quality strongly depends on the correct classification of the 3D point cloud into terrain and off-terrain echoes. Especially dense and low vegetation is considered as problematic. With full waveform laser scanners, commercially available since 2004, a considerable amount of these problems can be overcome. Additionally, new quality indicators can be derived.
This workshop will teach the basics of full waveform laser scanning in lectures, exercises, and discussions. It will reach from the sensor specifications to terrain modeling. The following list of topics will be treated.
* Measurement principle and physical foundations
* Sensor properties and measurement process
* Waveform analysis and calibration
* Geo-referencing
* Signature analysis of full waveform parameters
* Classification and segmentation
* Filtering (classification) based on full-waveform information
* DTM derivation
* Quality control
Three practical exercises will be carried out, next to a demonstration of a full waveform sensor. Each participant will follow each exercise in groups – with a maximum of ten persons per group.
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