Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Full-waveform ALS workshop - Signature analysis of full-waveform ALS data

Seventh Presentation

Werner Mücke, Wolfgang Wagner: Signature analysis of full-waveform ALS data


- Brief revision
- Additional full-waveform (FWF) parameters (directly observed or derived)
- Interaction of the laserbeam with the surface
- Effect of different surface types on the FWF observables
- Scale / typical values of FWF observables
- How can FWF observables be used operationally?
- Examples
- Usage of FWF observables (e.g. point cloud classification, vegetation
detection, tree-species identification, structural information, ...)


- Introduction to FWF ALS data
- Further understanding of interaction of the laser beam with different
surface types
- How can FWF ALS measures be used operationally?
- Examples for
Tree species classification
Retrieval of structural information
Point cloud classification

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